The Philatelic Society for Greater Southern Africa


Membership includes a subscription to the Society’s Journal Forerunners.
Membership fees are US$20 for the digital edition of Forerunners PLUS US$5 for USA mailing addresses, US$10 for Canadian addresses, and US$15 for the rest of the world for the printed edition.

Those that join before September 1 will receive the complete set of back issues for that year. Thereafter annual renewals are due by January.

If sending in dues by mail, please provide funds in US$ either in currency or a check on a USA bank account made out to “PSGSA.” Mail all payments to: John McFarlane, PSGSA Treasurer, 371 Dahlia St, Denver, CO 80220, USA.

Paypal payments may be made to [javascript protected email address], but please add US$1 extra to partly cover the PayPal fees or alternatively send funds as “Family & Friends” free of charge. For some overseas members, it might be more advantageous to send in dues for two or more years to avoid the annual conversion fees.

Membership Application Form

Click here to download the membership application form.